Lisa Teel, AHPCO President

Lisa Teel is the Vice-President of Operations for Aveanna Hospice, formerly Comfort Care Hospice, where she has been employed for over 22 years.
Lisa has more than 29 years in the health field with 27 of those being in the hospice setting. She assisted in the establishment of the Columbia Community Hospice in 1995 and since that time, she has served in various positions including Staff Social Worker, Volunteer Coordinator, Hospice Coordinator, Agency Administrator, and Regional Administrator.
Lisa has been active on the Alabama Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Executive Committee (AHPCO) since 1996 and is currently serving as President. She is a former recipient of the Alabama Hospice Employee of the Year Award and most recently the Polly Clark Award in 2017 as voted on by peers within the hospice industry.
In August 2015, Lisa was appointed to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council (SHCC) by Governor Robert Bentley and later reappointed by Governor Kay Ivey to serve the State of Alabama as a representative of providers until her term of service expires on July 31, 2026. In July of 2019 Lisa was appointed to serve as Chair of the Long-Term Care Committee of the SHCC, Vice Chair of the Specialty Services Committee of the SHCC and as a member of the Home Health Committee of the SHCC.
Lisa is an alumna of the University of Alabama and a licensed social worker
Linda Segrest, AHPCO Vice President

Linda Segrest, Executive Director of Ivy Creek Hospice has been in the hospice industry since 2006. In that time, she has served in various positions in hospice including case manager, admission coordinator, clinical director and executive director. In addition, Linda has held various leadership positions in the Alabama Hospice and Palliative Care Organization including AHPCO President from 2012-2016.
Linda has also served on the AHPCO’s executive committee and currently serves as Vice President and AHPCO’s representative to the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care.
Courtnay Webb, AHPCO Secretary

Stephanie Honeycutt, Executive Director of Lakeside Hospice
Glenn Beville, Treasurer

Glenn is the Principal Consultant with Cardinal Point Consulting, LLC, where he provides interim, part-time, and fractional CFO services, client advisory, and other services to healthcare clients. Other services include Medicare cost report preparation, income tax return preparation, and Medicare hospice cap analysis.
He has served in various consultant roles for the past eleven years and formed Cardinal Point Consulting seven years ago. He held leadership positions with organizations ranging from startups to multiple-entity organizations with over $70 million in annual revenues. He has held Chief Financial Officer and senior finance positions with two hospice/home health organizations, each serving more than 500 patients per day
Casey Rhodes, AHPCO Executive Committee Member

Casey Rhodes is currently the Regional Vice President of Hospice Operations for LHC Group Inc. where she oversees operations for the LHC Group Inc. owned hospice agencies in Alabama and Florida.
Casey has been in this role since 2018 and has spent almost the entirety of her career in hospice, starting in 2003.
Casey has diverse compliance, policy, operational and sales experience. She also has had the opportunity to manage not only home hospice care but hospice inpatient unit care as well. With a passion for the mission of hospice, Casey strives to build effective teams and clear obstacles for the team so they can focus on what matters most – patient care.
Paige Butler, AHPCO Executive Committee Member

Paige Butler is the Director of Hospice and Palliative Care at Baptist Health in Mongomery, AL. She has been in the homecare/hospice industry for 18 years and is also a nurse practitioner by trade, and this helps her bring clinical expertise and merge it with day-to-day operations of hospice and palliative care.
Paige serves on several committees in and outside of the hospital setting to promote hospice and palliative care. She enjoys being able to be present for patients and caregivers during their most vulnerable time understanding that you only get one chance to have a “good†death. She has a husband of 21 years and has two sons.
Lisa is an alumna of the University of Alabama and a licensed social worker
Stormy Dismuke, AHPCO Executive Committee Member

Stormy Dismuke, CEO of Shepherd’s Cove Hospice, has served the hospice industry since 1999. Prior to assuming the position of CEO, Stormy was the organization’s Chief Nursing Officer for ten years. As a nurse practitioner, Stormy has worked to develop compassionate, whole person focused strategic growth paths for the clinical teams she has led in both hospice and palliative care.
She currently serves as a board member for the Alabama Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (AHPCO), is a representative of the Advisory Council on Palliative Care and Quality of Life for the state of Alabama and has served on advisory boards for Marshall Medical Centers and several regional colleges including Jacksonville State University. Stormy is an advocate for exceptional, individualized care for those on the end-of-life journey and is a featured speaker on hospice and palliative care topics.
 Patty Baggett , AHPCO Executive Committee Member

Patty Baggett currently serves as the Area Executive Director of Clinical Operations for Compassus in Troy and Auburn, which includes an inpatient unit, Bethany House.
Patty is a graduate from Auburn University and earned her MBA from Auburn University at Montgomery. She has had different roles throughout her career, but has found hospice and palliative care to be the most rewarding to her. She has devoted over 30 years to hospice and palliative care in various capacities. She treasures many patient and family interactions that have happened over the years. One of her accomplishments is helping establish the palliative care program at her local hospital.
Patty has four sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law and two grandsons. One of her greatest joys is spending time with her family.
Andrew Bar, AHPCO, Non Provider Executive Committee Member

Andrew started his career as a hospice vendor in the Pharmacy Benefit Manager space in early 2012 and moved to StateServ in July 2013. Since then, he has held a few roles, most recently Areai Vice President, Sales, selling DME Management Services to hospices across the country.
Andrew says he is honored to be a member of the AHPCO Executive Committee, where he has been a Non-Provider Representative on the Executive Committee for 4 years.
Andrew holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing from the University of West Georgia and enjoys spending time outdoors and with friends and family. He lives in Jacksonville, Florida with his wife, Emma, and their two dogs, Bella and Wrigley.